Ethics & Conduct
Respect and Integrity
Professional conduct at IntelliDigest is defined by our respect for one another, and our absolute commitment to personal and intellectual integrity. This approach and core value is, in our view, non-negotiable. Our Code of Conduct underlines our focus on respect and integrity across all our objectives, processes and business units. Every member of our worldwide team works to this ethic.
As with all our policies and procedures, we continuously review how we do business, from both internal and external perspectives. Whilst respect and integrity may also be intrinsic values, we set standards, train and support staff, and measure how well our codes work in practice. Above all, we work hard to create conducive environments for openness, personal and team accountability and responsibility.
For both our new and existing team members, we provide mentoring to help them develop the key team skills needed to thrive in today’s business environment. These and other efforts enable us to promote a sense of belonging, to enable us to deliver our ultimate goal – empowering global food sustainability.