The role of consumer behaviour in driving food sustainability
Feb 2, 2022
The knowledge to action course on The role of Consumer Behaviour in driving Food Sustainability will explore factors that underpin the decision of consumers to consume food and how that affects food sustainability. We will aim to highlight the approach that stakeholders in the food system will consider in enabling consumers understand the decisions and changes they are taking in their process and business model to enhance sustainability. Based on current research and expertise, we will provide the participants with actionable steps to support the consumers of their produce in considering and adapting to these changes for wider benefit of the society.
It is worth mentioning that this 3 hours session focusing on Consumer Behaviour is not designed to teach the participants everything about the topic. Our focus in this case is on Sustainability in the food system, we want to provide practical next steps for businesses to take that next step to achieving sustainability in their process and business model.
Unravelling complex global issues will take time, effort and pro-active international co-ordination. This course provides an excellent platform for participants to confidently make their individual contributions to both their organisations and the 2030 Goals.
Course participants will gain new perspectives and practical tools to address their individual and corporate objectives. Key take-aways will include measures to improve Consumer behaviour and engagement for a more sustainable food system.
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The role of consumer behaviour in driving food sustainability
Lesson 1 of 1 within section Introduction.
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Food Waste
Lesson 1 of 3 within section Food Waste.
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Lesson 2 of 3 within section Food Waste.
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Lesson 3 of 3 within section Food Waste.
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Lesson 1 of 2 within section Solutions .
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Lesson 2 of 2 within section Solutions .
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Behavioural theories
Theory of planned behaviour
Lesson 1 of 3 within section Behavioural theories.
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Dual process theory & Ecological model of behaviour
Lesson 2 of 3 within section Behavioural theories.
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Lesson 3 of 3 within section Behavioural theories.
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Consumer Data
Food waste and the consumer
Lesson 1 of 4 within section Consumer Data.
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How motivated are consumers to reduce their food waste?
Lesson 2 of 4 within section Consumer Data.
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Individual barriers & Methods of changing behaviour
Lesson 3 of 4 within section Consumer Data.
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Lesson 4 of 4 within section Consumer Data.
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Thank you
Lesson 1 of 1 within section Thank you.
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