Plan To Save Campaignthon
In the face of increasing population, unsustainable food production and consumption patterns are a common thread, running through many of the greatest challenges facing humanity today.
Between 2000 and 2010, large-scale commercial agriculture accounted for 40 per cent of tropical deforestation; and local subsistence agriculture was not far behind, accounting for another 33 per cent. The more we produce, the more we tend to waste while over 1 billion people do not have access to food.
The food systems depend on biodiversity to function, but conventional food systems reduce biodiversity – effectively destroying their own foundation through intensive farming leading to emergence of zoonotic diseases such as COVID-19.
At the same time, antimicrobials are often used to accelerate livestock growth, can lead to resistance in microorganisms – making antimicrobials less effective as medicine for humans. Currently, about 700,000 people die of resistant infections every year and by 2050, those diseases may cause more deaths than cancer.
Over 33% of earth soil is degraded leading to low quality yields that lack the key micro-nutrients essential for a healthy life while increasing the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) – a group of long-term healthcare conditions that can be caused by genetic, physiological, environmental, behavioral and alimentary factors. NCDs include overweight/obesity, cardiovascular disease (such as arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction and stroke), diabetes mellitus, cancer and osteoporosis. NCDs kill 41 million people each year, representing 74% of deaths globally.
Specifically, the global food system must be transformed to achieve two purposes. Firstly, it must ensure food and nutritional security and put an end to hunger, once and for all. Secondly, it must reverse the degradation that human actions have caused and restore ecosystems.
To create awareness on the challenges we are facing in the food system and actions we can take to address some of the challenges, we have set up the PlanToSave Campaign.
Join us on World Food Day as we deliver the PlanToSave Campaignthon across the globe.
PlanToSave Campaign
This is a 5 week highlight on actions we can take to improve the impact of the food we eat on our health and on the environment.
This campaign is targeted at motivating households/Individuals to plan their food consumption to help local farmers plan farming and adopt a more sustainable farming practice.
On completing the 5-week campaign, each participant is qualified to receive a certificate in recognition of their contribution to enabling a more sustainable food system.
More details can be found here – https://intellidigest.com/services/plan-to-save/
PlanToSave Campaignthon
The PlanToSave Campaignthon will be delivered on World Food Day as part of the London Circular Economy (CE) Week.
The PlanToSave Campaignthon is an online event streamed across social media platforms with a focus on sharing the 5-week posts in one day.
This is a 24 hour campaign starting on October 16 2023 covering the following regions:
- Africa – 7:00 – 13:00 GMT+1
- Europe – 13:00 – 19:00 GMT+1
- America – 19:00 – 1:00 GMT+1
- Asia – 1:00 – 7:00 GMT+1
As people make their post, they will share a link to their post on the social media platform they have joined the event; we will check all the posts and the top three posts- the posts with the most engagement will be provided with an award that will enable them to choose any restaurant of choice to dine within their locality or any local food retailer(s) to purchase a week worth of food item(s) or any local farmer(s) to purchase a week worth of food item(s).
Sign up to participate in the PlanToSave Campaignthon here – https://intellidigest.com/events/plan-to-save-campaignthon/
STFC Food Network
eit Food