Sustainable Gastronomy Day
Established in 2016 by the United Nations Assembly, the Sustainable Gastronomy Day is celebrated on June 18 with the aim of raising public awareness on the real value of food, thus reducing both food waste and the exploitation of resources and the production of waste. Sustainable gastronomy means a local and traditional cuisine of a […]

Written by Benedetta Citterio


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Established in 2016 by the United Nations Assembly, the Sustainable Gastronomy Day is celebrated on June 18 with the aim of raising public awareness on the real value of food, thus reducing both food waste and the exploitation of resources and the production of waste.

Sustainable gastronomy means a local and traditional cuisine of a specific geographical area. A 0 km cuisine which takes into account the origin of the various ingredients, enhancing the value of seasonal producers and preserving wildlife, a cuisine which is sustainable and therefore does not waste natural resources and is not harmful to the environment.
Sustainable gastronomy, therefore, means a cuisine which takes into account the origin of the ingredients, how the food is cultivated and how it reaches our markets and finally our dishes.

Gastronomy plays a very important role in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals focused on sustainable agriculture (Agenda 2030) by For this reason, we at IntelliDigest organized a webinar dedicated entirely to this day, in which some experts talked about their experience and sustainable innovations in the field of gastronomy and food.

Steve Brown

Head of Food Education at Edinburgh Food Social

Dr Christian Reynolds

Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Food Policy of London



Senior Nutrition and Food Systems Officer at FAO Regional Office for Africa



Chief Food Chain Adviser at the National Farmers Union



Director of Environment and Agri-Food at Cranfield University



Associate Professor in Food Insights and Sustainability at University of Lincoln


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