Sustainable Gastronomy Day 2022

Written by Sruthi Saravanan


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Did you know over 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted globally? Over 900 million people suffer from hunger. 1 in 5 deaths are caused by malnutrition globally. Imagine having a solution to reduce these massive figures . Wondering how? Let’s see what the UN says about this. 

The United Nations observes 18th June every year as world sustainable gastronomy day which solely focuses on ending hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition in a sustainable manner. So, what is sustainable gastronomy? In simple words, it is the art of preparing food while being mindful of the resources which are used in order to ensure it is not detrimental to the environment. It is understanding where each ingredient is from, how it was grown and the process involved before it reaches our plate. In collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the UN facilitates observing World Sustainable Gastronomy Day. The initiatives include launching the UNESCO Creative Cities Network which recognises 36 cities as Creative Cities of Gastronomy. Moreover, promoting clean energy for local restaurants and raising public awareness of sustainable gastronomy. 

Sustainable Gastronomy is not only learning about the origin of resources but also emphasising on the use of seasonal ingredients and producers. It includes preserving wildlife, culinary traditions etc. Gastronomy is often seen as a cultural expression which represents the diversity of the world. Wondering how you can contribute to any of this? It can begin with the smallest of steps such as eating locally grown products. It will help boost the area’s economy, support the farmers, reduce the greenhouse gases and reduce the transportation resources thereby conserving the environment. As a consumer, it is essential to help the livelihood of the producers. By doing so, you are also preserving the cultural and culinary roots of the region. The traditional craps, recipes and cultures thrive which help in improving the economy. 

Small things you do can have big impacts. Here’s how you can help with sustainable gastronomy:

  1. Supporting farmers: buying from local markets and small producers
  2. Trying local food while traveling: eating local food when you visit new places helps you understand their culture and appreciate their culinary culture
  3. Keeping culinary traditions alive: cooking recipes from our ancestors and using ingredients which are native to your region
  4. Avoid food waste: using ingredients wisely. Saving the leftovers, cooking the right portion and being careful of the expiration dates. 

These small steps are what helps the future generations to live the life we live now. If each person works towards sustainable gastronomy, we can strive to end world hunger. It all begins from you to convert this planet into a sustainable environment. 

We held a webinar during Sustainable Gastronomy day on the topic of Planning a more sustainable food system. And one of the ways people can start taking action is with the use of the World Food Tracker developed by IntelliDigest. 

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