World Youth Skills Day
This article focuses on World Youth Skills day 15th July 2021. World Youth Skills day highlights the importance of enriching young people with the skills needed for employment, entrepreneurship and decent work. In the context of Covid-19 global youth unemployment has increased by 8.7%; more than double previous years. Without young people, companies would be […]

Written by Adele Williams


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This article focuses on World Youth Skills day 15th July 2021. World Youth Skills day highlights the importance of enriching young people with the skills needed for employment, entrepreneurship and decent work. In the context of Covid-19 global youth unemployment has increased by 8.7%; more than double previous years.

Without young people, companies would be unable to continue their legacy as skills and knowledge is not passed down, thus innovation is stifled because important building blocks for progress do not exist.

Similarly, UN research suggests that young women have been particularly disadvantaged compared to young men; meaning years of progress in equality could unravel. The consequences are goals for the future will take even longer to achieve, prolonging suffering for millions who already have very little.


How are we helping?

As a company Intellidigest wants to maximise the potential of our youth. We understand for future generations to have the best chance our planet needs to become healthier. By creating a circular food economy we reduce harmful gasses that are contributing to climate change.

We pride ourselves in our diverse workforce that helps us create the most innovative solutions to the problem of food waste; reducing its adverse impact on global carbon emissions.

To achieve this aim we have created partnerships with leading Universities allowing us to work with young people who are preparing to enter the workforce.

Our work with interns has benefitted them by understanding our mission to create a bio-economy and achieve the sustainable development goals via our work with technology and research. Thus, equipping them with important industry expertise.


Societal impact

In addition, by promoting sustainable food systems we are making sure the next generation do not go hungry as they have nutrition and energy to go to school and prepare for a bright future.

We hope by learning about our technologies and ethos we have supported the development of future generations and equipped them with the knowledge and skills to achieve our company’s values of innovation, excellence and impact.

By empowering our youth we ensure a long term impact to help achieve our Sustainable development goals in promoting responsible consumption and production and zero hunger.

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